According to Minnesota statutes, a person can be charged with DWI when they are under the influence of alcohol, a controlled substance, or a hazardous substance that substantially impairs the individual’s ability to drive or operate a motor vehicle. Charges can range from Fourth-Degree DWI (a misdemeanor) up to First-Degree DWI (a felony). Penalties can include jail time, the loss of your driver’s license, and substantial fines. In addition, your automobile insurance rates may rise, and future employment may be impacted by having a DWI on your record.


Minnesota has implied consent laws. By driving on Minnesota roads, all Minnesota drivers are under an implied agreement to consent to a chemical test to determine the presence of drugs or a controlled substance. Refusing to submit to a chemical test can complicate DWI charges further. 


Navigating the law can be complicated for an individual charged with DWI. Call our office at 612-548-4453 to speak with an experienced criminal defense lawyer regarding your situation.